Drug Rehab Statistics & Success Rates 2023
But if they are also using meth, that treatment plan often collapses. Dealers can be sloppy, Dr. Trowbridge said, or intentionally salt one drug with another, to bind customers to the new mix. Expert guidance to foster compassion, kindness, and connection when navigating addiction in the holiday season and beyond. Shift perspective to see relapse […]
Family Support and Addiction Recovery
It also is possible that improved training in existing couple and family theory and treatment modalities could facilitate greater accessibility and treatment outcomes. It’s one thing for a professional in addiction treatment to provide education and therapeutic family support interventions, and another thing altogether for someone who is experiencing the same challenges to share stories […]
Substance Abuse Treatment Group Activities & Games, Excercises
These substance abuse group activities often involve having each member share their name, a brief personal background, and their reasons for joining the group. This helps members get to know one another and sets the stage for open and honest communication from the outset. Wilderness therapy allows individuals in recovery to interact with the environment […]
Connecticut leaders say online addiction service offers a new road to recovery
Schedule regular check-ins to discuss their job performance, satisfaction, and any challenges faced. Provide positive feedback on progress and offer counsel if issues arise. Consider accommodations like a flexible or reduced schedule, change in responsibilities, reassignment, or the ability to attend counseling or support groups. After completing initial treatment, employees will https://g-markets.net/sober-living/guilt-and-grief-making-a-living-amends/ likely need ongoing […]