The prerequisite for taking this course is a working knowledge of Linux that includes hands-on experience. The certification improves both job earnings and prospects, and also improves a candidate’s chances of bagging a job at the world’s best IT companies. A good four weeks following all the instructions by our certified industry experts is all you need to be exam-ready! The Study Schedule above indicates various subject areas you’ll need to cover, categorized into sections with estimated study times based on studying speeds.

Once installed, docker creates a folder under /var/lib/docker/ where all the containers, images, volumes and configurations are stored. Docker stack is very similar to docker compose with key difference being that docker compose defines containers while docker stack defines services. There are a few solutions on the marked that can help with container and nodes orchestration.

Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Study Plan

It also helps you stand out from other candidates, and could even help in obtaining an increase in your pay. One feature of this course that’s worth noting is that real-life case studies are offered to students so that they can better understand practical outcomes. This Docker Training and Certification comes from Edureka, a well-known and highly dependable brand that has been delivering quality education for a long time. Access this course and other top-rated cloud content with a free trial. Assume that you have 3 managers in your cluster, what will happen if 2 managers fail at the same time?

Image Creation, Management and Registry carries about 20% weightage of your overall mark in a DCA test. All Docker containers are based on images, which are the building blocks of containerized applications. An image is, in fact, the executable package containing all components you’ll need to run your application. To obtain a Docker certification, you must pass a proctored DCA exam. The exam includes 55 questions, of which 13 are multiple-choice questions and 42 discrete option multiple choice (DOMC) questions. After passing the exam, the Docker certification will be valid for two years.

Edureka’s Docker Certification Training Course

It is a very strong approach for you to get good marks upon the main examination. When you use the right study material, you will get a clear idea of the concepts and gain an idea of using Docker utilities and tools. Hence, this is expected to influence your score upon the DCA examination. Provided you put in the effort to learn and practice, you should have no trouble passing the Docker certification exam.

By far most widely adopted one is Kubernetes followed by Docker Swarm. Now with all the tools ready and learning plan in place, it’s time to learn architectural concepts behind Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm and more. This is considered to be the most crucial part of the entire DCA learning. Though Installation and Configuration accounts for 15% of your total score, it should be noted that in a real-world a thorough knowledge of these concepts would come in handy almost regularly. A solid understanding of Linux commands is a prerequisite to taking the course. As more companies move their applications and data to the cloud, the demand for Docker is increasing by 40% annually.

A Gist into QA Training

We examine the best Docker certification you can get here, as well as some general questions about Docker. Exams can be rescheduled or canceled but 48 hours before the scheduled appointment time, and failing to cancel or reschedule within this time will result in forfeiting exam fees. Docker Certification will validate your technical knowledge with an industry-recognized credential. There is no demanding prerequisite, but a hands-on is what makes you clear the certification with flying colors. But, don’t worry we got you covered with our Linux for Beginners FREE course!

To control user access, cluster resources are grouped into Docker Swarm collections or Kubernetes namespaces. Copying files is very easy, first parameter after cp command is source and second destination. It’s worth noting that container orchestrators (like Kubernetes) provide declarative methods to restrict resources usage per run-time unit (pod in case of Kubernetes). CMD and ENTRYPOINT sections of Dockerfile are used to instruct docker what to do once container is started. Knowing the quorum of master nodes, we can predict fault tolerance which is a number describing how many master nodes can fail before cluster is going to be put in an inconsistent state.

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